
Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows Ticket Giveaway

The Harry Potter Series that has been running at the Alabama Theatre is winding down with only the last 2 movies left to see. We will be giving away tickets to 2 lucky readers.

Deathly Hallows part 1 will show this Friday at 7pm and Part 2 will show on Friday August 3rd at 7pm.

Doors open at 6:00pm, come dressed up and enter the costume contest for some fun prizes! Also make sure to stop by the Alabama Theatre Junior Board table in the lobby. They will have photo ops available with the sorting hat, and some fun stand ups. Miscellaneous movie posters will also be for sale before and after the show, to help raise money for the new Theatre parking lot.

To Enter, do 1 or all for extra chances to win:

1. Leave a Comment on this Post (1 per person)

2. Share this post with your friends on FB (1 Per person, come back and leave a message letting us know you did)

3. Tweet “@BirminghamMommy has tickets to see Harry Potter @ALTheatre ”

This will be a quick giveaway and will end at 10pm tonight (Tuesday 24th) so we can get the tickets out to the winners in time to see either of the last 2 movies.

2 winners will be chosen at random and will each win 2 passes to use at their choice, Deathly Hallows part 1, or part 2

Good Luck!


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