
Summer Camp Spotlight! St. Stephen's Preschool

Registration is now open for Summer Camp at St. Stephen’s Preschool!

Summer Camp is for those entering the 1st– 3rd grade in the fall.  The camp will be offered the same weeks as the Preschool Summer Program during the same hours – 9 am -1 p.m.  It is required, however, that you sign up for the whole week rather than just MW or just TTH. Tigger Time (extended day program, see below) will also be available for these students at the regular Tigger Time rates.

Each week will include:

Specific Theme
Water play day
Cooking a snack
Making a craft
Science experiment related to theme

Themes for this summer will be as follows:

Week 1: June 13th – 16th  – Sports and Games

Week 2: June 20th – 23rd American’s Got Talent

Week 3: June 27th – 30th Amazing Race

Week 4: July 5th – 7th  Outside the Box -Construction (please note no camp on July 4th of this week)

Week 5: July 11th – 14th Animal Planet

Week 6: July 18th – 21st Ooey Gooey Science

Week 7: July 25th – 28th Bikes, Skates and Scooters

All summer campers are eligible to attend “Tigger Time” – the extended day program – from 1:00- 2:30 p.m.. Payment is due by June 1 (as is the balance of regular summer school tuition) and is $10 per day. Siblings receive a 50% discount. “Drop- in”throughout the summer will be $15 per day –due on the day the child stays – and based on availability. This higher fee will apply to any day in which a child is not signed up for and paid in advance. Please note that if we do not have enough children pre-register, Tigger Time may not be offered on certain days. For example, if only two children sign up for Wednesdays, we will not be able to offer Tigger Time on Wednesdays. We will let you know in advance if that is the case. If you have any questions, please call the office at 967-6317.

For more information or to register, click here

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