
We Didn't Start the Fire: Christmas Safety Tips

Gone are the days of lighting real candles for your Christmas Tree (Right? Surely with kids in the house that’s not an option.) The Holidays can come with lots of extra hazards you may or may not be aware of… Here’s a little run down of some things to be cautious about this season.

Real trees are great and many people think it’s not Christmas without the smell of fresh pine in the house. But real trees can cause many issues from fire hazards to allergies and mold.

  • We all know the dangers of hot lights and dry trees. Make sure that when you are pulling those lights out of storage you check for frayed wires, broken bulbs and sockets, and loose connections—those problems indicate fire and electrocution hazards. Make sure all of your lights are marked with a UL Seal. UL-certified products have undergone testing for durability and safety.

And as always, when you’re not enjoying your beautiful display make sure to unplug them to avoid any overheating.

  • If your family is prone to allergic reactions it might help to hose your tree down and spray it with a mold resistant sealant, allowing it to dry completely before bringing it inside. This might help counter act the Mold Spore Count on your tree.
  • Artificial Trees that have been stored up in the attic will most likely be a source of dust. Air purifiers or dust masks while     decorating will ease any sniffling and sneezing that might occur while setting up your decorations.
  • Your opportunity for entertaining will increase during the holidays. If you are hosting a holiday party where adult beverages will be served, make sure to keep an eye out for drinks left unattended by guests that may not realize that children are just itching to taste test those pretty frothy beverages. The only thing worse than a drunk uncle is a child filled with holiday “spirits.”
  • Mistletoe is pretty and who doesn’t love a good excuse to kiss someone you love? But keep in mind that Mistletoe and Holly are poisonous. Keep them out of reach of little hands.
  • Many medicines look like candy. While you can control where you keep your own stash, overnight visitors should be instructed to keep their medicines up and out of the reach of the tiny humans, especially if they are taking over a guest bathroom that isn’t closely monitored.
  • Don’t forget Fido. Dogs love scraps and guests may not know what is ok to offer them. Turkey bones can pose a choking hazard when they are chewed to shards. Coffee Grinds, grapes, chocolate and raisins can also be very dangerous to your pet. Make sure to take that trash out regularly. If your pets are prone to rummaging or are nervous around people, it might be best to keep them put away until after the festivities.

We hope you have a very Happy, Safe and Sniffle free Holiday!



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