
Storytime Spotlight: Homewood Public Library

With several options to choose from when it comes to storytimes, Homewood Public Library is another one of our favorite places to stop in and hear or story or just play around in the Children’s Department.

Here is a list of their weekly storytimes:

All Ages Storytime
Every Tuesday and Wednesday at 10:30am.

Mommy and Me Storytime –
Every Thursday at 10:30am. A Story Time for our younger patrons (birth-30 months) and their lap partner.

Leaps and Bounds –
Every other Friday at 10:30am. A movement class for our friends who are 2 1/2 to 4 years old with an adult. Registration Required, call 332-6619.

In addition to their great storytimes, you can catch a movie every other Monday at 3:00pm or join them for cartoons and cereal every other Saturday morning at 10:00am

For more information on all of the great programming and special events happening at the Homewood Public Library, visit their website.

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