
May Events at McWane Science Center

There’s always something fun happening at the McWane Science Center! Here’s a rundown on the fun you will find this May!

May 4th – May the Fourth be with you

May the fourth be with you as we celebrate all things Star Wars! Meet some of your favorite character and enjoy special programming. Learn all about light saber dueling from the Birmingham Fencing Club as they demonstrate some light saber techniques in the context of fencing! Come dressed in costume and receive $2 off the Adventure Halls per guest (discount not available for combo ticket.)

May 6th – Homeschool Day

Is your child a home school student looking for a fun and educational way to spend the day? Plan a trip to McWane Science Center on Home School Day (first Monday of each month)! There will be special programs, live science demonstrations, and a discounted ticket price: FREE for home school parents, $7 for kids, and $6 for accompanying adults.

May 9th – Science on the Screen presents Gattaca

Join us for an exciting new program, as McWane becomes the only science center in the national Science on Screen © program.

Starring Ethan Hawke, Uma Thurman, and Jude Law, “Gattaca” presents a dystopian vision of the “not-too-distant future,” in which society is divided into genetic “haves” and “have-nots.” The “Valids,” conceived through IVF and selected for supposedly “superior” genetic profiles, monopolize high status careers and positions in society; the “In-Valids,” conceived without technology, are discriminated against and excluded, presumed to be “inferior” because they differ from a narrowly defined standard of genetic perfection. The story follows Vincent, an “In-Valid” seeking to defy this system and achieve his dream of space flight.

Science on Screen® at McWane Science Center is made possible through a grant from the Coolidge Corner Theatre, with support from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation.

Science on Screen® is FREE to the public but seating is limited so reserve your spot now.

Opening May 19th – Bionic Me

New Traveling Exhibit
Control a computer using the power of your mind, race against a Paralympian, and see how a bionic eye works in Bionic Me coming to McWane Science Center this summer.

May 30th – Science on Screen presents Contagion

Join us for an exciting new program, as McWane becomes the only science center in the national Science on Screen © program.

Featuring a collection of Oscar-winning actors, “Contagion” follows the rapid progress of a lethal airborne virus that kills within days. As the fast-moving epidemic grows, the worldwide medical community races to find a cure and control the panic that spreads faster than the virus itself. At the same time, ordinary people struggle to survive in a society coming apart.

Science on Screen® at McWane Science Center is made possible through a grant from the Coolidge Corner Theatre, with support from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation.

Science on Screen® is FREE to the public but seating is limited so reserve your spot now.

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