
May Day! May Day!

Raise your hand if you currently feel like a personal ATM, overbooked Chauffeur, and a stretched out rubber band on the verge of snapping at the mere thought of adding just one. more. activity. to your already booked May Agenda.

The Month of May is hell. Between the wrapping up of extracurricular activities, open houses, end of year programs, teacher gifts, coaches gifts, sport banquets, Spirit Days, out of school for inclement weather make up days, recitals,  end of year conferences, and summer camp planning, you will absolutely swear that the entire School Board is out to take away your last few weeks of freedom before rewarding you with….. SUMMER!! Ahhh, Summer.  2 1/2 months of pure bliss. Bliss in the form of fighting, an over inflated food bill, and the never ending phrase “I’m booooooorrrrred.”

Oh.. and did I forget to mention Registration? The dreaded Kindergarten Registration, the Registration that brings out the avalanche of emotions that will leave you curled up in the fetal position crying like a baby, whether it’s your first, your last, or that kid somewhere in the middle, you Can’t Even grasp the fact that your baby is old enough for KINDERFREAKINGARTEN.

Somehow in the flurry of all of those end of the year activities, your other kid somehow became old enough for….. KINDERFREAKINGARTEN!

Is it any coincidence that May is the month that Mother’s across the world are celebrated? I think not.

Here are our tips for getting through the next few weeks:

1. Take a Deep Breath

2. Take a BIG sip of your beverage of choice

3. Repeat until bedtime. (or the last day of school, no judgement here.)

Good Luck, Moms! We’re all in this together!


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