
Making Kindness Cool

My friends and I are starting a program called “Kind Is Cool”. We want to stop bullying around the world. We started this when we saw a brand at “Target.” We liked the idea, so we kept going with it. The shirts from the brand come with 2 neon yellow bracelets. Everybody who is helping start the club has one. What I want to do with the club is to make  “Rainbow Loom” (elastic band) bracelets and put a bunch on my arm. When I see someone who needs help or needs somebody to play with, I help them, then invite them into the club, and give them a bracelet, and hope they will spread the kindness to others.  Including everyone and finding kids who aren’t being included and helping them out, is what “Kind Is Cool” means to me.

Here is what “Kind is Cool” means to my friends:

 My friend C.W. says,

I think “Kind Is Cool” is an inspiring program that helps kids of any age stop bullying. You can help, all you need to do is tell your friends, buy a shirt, and stop people from bullying. It is that simple. Tell your friends so they can tell their friends, so this anti bullying program can go all over the world. By the way you can get the shirts at “Target”. Hope you can help!

My friend E.B. says,

“Kind is cool” means you shouldn’t make fun of people who don’t make one hundred on their sit and reach test (that’s me!) It means that you shouldn’t tear people down, even if they couldn’t do a sit up. Or when you see someone sitting alone, you go ask if they want to play. It doesn’t matter if you’re just talking with someone, it’s simple, ask if they want to join. “Kind Is Cool” means being kind. Never try and be annoying, because it’s fun or funny, or because you’re trying to make a certain person mad. Being kind is making a difference, and I think I speak for all of us when I say, making a difference can feel really good. So be kind and you will make your life and the people’s lives so much easier. That’s what “Kind Is Cool” means to me.

My friend A.K. says,

“Kind is cool” means to be kind and cool. If you see a kindergartner fighting say, “Hey, kindness is cool.” I really think that being kind is awesome!!!

From my friend M.H:

Kind is cool means encouraging friends to be kind because being kind isn’t always seen as cool, but it’s good to be reminded that kind really is cool. It’s just how you look at it!
We started this where we are by telling everyone we  know to be kind and cool, we also made some fun posters to hang up around our neighborhood so others can be reminded everyday to be kind.  Now we’re encouraging you to start this movement where you are too!!! -Kind Is Cool

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