
How to Survive Halloween Without Gaining 3.5 lbs in One Week (As I have)

This post allows my hard lessons be your personal gain. You see, I’m a sucker for a nice piece of mass-manufactured milk chocolate, surrounding a piece of yummy, buttery toffee. And last week, well, I was embarrassed to discover that I ate an entire bag of these “bite-size” goodies in 6 days. I never actually got the bag out of the cabinet when I reached in for a treat, so imagine my shock when I reached in and there were none left!

So, my mommy friends and I have compiled our best tips to help you avoid that “Halloween Bulge”.

1. Buy your candy at the last minute. This is not the time to shop for the best deals weeks before. If there is no temptation to be had, there will be no temptation. That makes no sense and great sense, all at once, right?
2. Only buy candy you don’t like. This is common sense. If I hadn’t purchased the mini-toffee chocolate bars in the first place and opted for black licorice vines, I wouldn’t have had to worry about any Halloween guilt.
3. When your kids come home with candy, divvy it up (if you do that, I do…) and give them the “good” candy first. In other words, give them the candy you would normally sneak out of their sacks after bedtime.
4. If your kid hit the trick-or-treat motherload, buy some from him and throw it out or give it to your husband. Hey, there is no shame in this game.

Ways in which you could go too far in your tyrrade against the “it” candy

1. When you see your beloved “it” candy, curse it loudly as if it has three nipples and hurl it into the street
2. When your kids bring home their take, you kindly send them back out to give it all back
3. Only give out pencils at Halloween and start a petition in your neighborhood for a candy-free celebration (as much as you may hope for this – it ain’t happening sweetie)

8 thoughts on “How to Survive Halloween Without Gaining 3.5 lbs in One Week (As I have)

  1. None of this applies if you are pregnant. Eat away and lose it after delivery. Plus, candy makes your breastmilk taste good, so it is great prep if you plan to nurse.
    (things I tell myself in the homestretch)

  2. Ha! This post was written just for me! Of course, both of my kiddos came home with bags full of "good" candy…you know what I mean 99% name brand chocolate. I had to add 4 extra spinning classes this week to keep my candy consumption in check…sheesh! MommaPeas, you crack me up!

  3. Glad I could be of help. I guess I should mention that the one phantom bag actually was two. The Baby Ruth's did me in after the Heath bars. I quit buying it after that. I'm so ashamed.

  4. Mini Hershey Bars and Reeses Cups. Two bags, all me. (Minus the six total trick or treateres) I have a double chin this week. The baby made me do it.

  5. There is a huge bowl of M&Ms in the cabinet that was forgotten on Halloween night (I put it up so my kids wouldn't eat a bunch and then forgot to get it back out when the Trick or Treaters showed up).

    Anyhoo, that bowl… I am the only one eating the M&Ms out of it. This is NOT good.

    Great post!!

  6. If only I'd read this sooner! That half of a laundry basket of Halloween candy that was leftover might have had a bunch of junk I don't want to eat in it instead of all that name brand chocolate.

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