
Gift Ideas That Don’t Take Up Space

Christmas present wrapped in natural paper and red string

Christmas present wrapped in natural paper and red stringI have 3 kids. Those 3 kids alone with all of their running around take up a lot of space in my house. Now add in their necessities like, clothing, shoes, back packs, school papers and projects and I’m at capacity. THEN add in holidays, like Christmas and Birthdays where loving grandparents smother them with every little thing they ask for while they bat their cute little eye lashes. And when Santa brings ALL the things from the catalogs and wish lists, my house is busting at the seams, just begging for an additional room to be added.

Focusing more on experiences and memberships rather than a robot dog they’ll leave out for the real dog to eat before New Year’s, will will bring them way more fun in the long run

Here are my ideas for any of you that also suffer from too much stuff!

Memberships and Experiences.

Our city has a lot to offer when it comes to family fun and a Membership to an area attraction is a gift that keeps on giving.

McWane Science Center  This is a GREAT option for grand-parents buying for multiple grand-children. They can even choose to add a Grand Parent on to the Membership for bonus together-ness. McWane is great because whether it’s hot or cold, rainy, sunny, or snowing, you can use this gift. As many days in the year as you want. PLUS you get discounts on the fun events they offer through out the year and member exclusives. Did I mention parking in the deck is FREE for members? Well, it is. That’s an additional $5 saved each trip. As a McWane member you also get free or discounted admission to over 300 other science museums across the country.

The Birmingham Zoo – Much like the McWane Center, this is a great idea to pass off to the grandparents for a family gift for a gift for all of your kids combined. They also offer member exclusives, like free admission to Zoolight Safari.

Other experiences to consider, passes for bowling, skating, rock climbing, or escape room.

Are your kiddos into sports, music, or acting? Most every kid I know is involved in some type of extracurricular activity. Think about extending their season, signing them up early for summer camp or let them try something new.

Acting Out Academy is great for your budding performer. Whether it’s to foster a love for the art or to build up their self confidence, their classes (or summer movie camps) would be a fun way to introduce them to acting.

Consider some private lessons with a trainer for their favorite sport, dance lessons, gymnastics or music classes at places like Mason Music or Stick and Strum

Gift Cards

Yes, technically gifts cards can lead to the tiny humans going on a shopping spree picking out all the things on their own, but it doesn’t have to be that way.

Think Movies, itunes for app purchases or give them a Mommy/Daughter Date for Mani and Pedis. A gift card to their favorite restaurant and a movie is a fun night out and again, bonus points for family togetherness.

Ice Cream shops, yogurt places, for the older crew, coffee shops, or gift cards to have their car detailed.  Gifts cards also make great stocking stuffers.

When all else fails.. Try going the Want, Need, Wear, Read route. It keeps the Holidays simple, and doesn’t break your budget.

What ideas do you have for keeping down on all the “stuff” that accumulates during gift giving holidays?

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