I know, after reading the title of this post, you must be thinking… “My kids don’t have a bit of trouble talking…” But, with all of their talking, how much do you really know about their day?
Without fail, I pick my kids up from school and the words just tumble out of my mouth.. “Did you have a good Day” The answer is almost always a yes, but what did I actually learn from that question. No matter how hard I try to remember to re-phrase to; “Tell me about your day,” it just never comes out.
A couple of years ago we implemented an “Awesome/Awful” time. Usually around the dinner table, everyone will go around and tell what was the most awesome thing that happened that day and the most awful. It’s a great way to get a conversation started and give you some insight into where you might need to dig a little more.
Here are some other questions that are great conversation starters to help get your kids talking.
1. What’s the funniest thing someone said or did today?
2. How were you a helper today?
3. Describe your perfect day
4. What was your first thought when you woke up today?
5. If you could switch places with one friend for a day, who would it be?
6. What’s the smartest thing you heard someone say today?
7. If you were able to be the teacher for one day, what would you do?
8. Who is someone you would like to be friends with that you aren’t friends with yet?
9. Who in your class makes you smile?
10. How did someone help you today?
What questions could you add to this list?