Pollen season is here and it’s about 3 weeks early! The early pollen count increase is attributed to more rain and warmer temperatures that allow trees and plants to bloom early. The good news is that, with early preparations, allergy symptoms can be maintained.
Keep the Air Clean: A well-ventilated house and non-leaking ductwork is a great first line of defense against allergens invading your living space. Every year, the average home collects up to 40 lbs of dirt, dust and allergens in its air ducts. And, every time you use your heat or air conditioning these pollutants are circulated throughout your home, aggravating respiratory conditions like asthma. This is why it’s important to invest in a professional air duct cleaning service. Other things you can do to help:
– Keep your windows closed when pollen counts are high
– Use HEPA Filters in your Air Conditioning Unit
– Keep the humidity level in the house at about 50 percent. Mold likes moisture, and dust and pollen are easily stirred in dry air.
Reduce Dust Generators: When the fiber in the fabrics and carpeting in your home start breaking down, they add to the dust in your home.
– Damp mop regularly
– Wash throw rugs often
– Consider using blinds only for window treatments rather than curtains, which are a main dust collector.
– When the time comes (or the budget allows) replace high pile carpets with wood or tile flooring. If you must have carpeting, make it short, tight pile, and vacuum weekly with a cleaner that has a small-particle or HEPA filter.
Cut out the Clutter: The less stuff you have, the less place for dust to hide.
– Reduce the number of knick knacks and clutter on counter tops.
– Toss old magazines and rags
Tackle the Pet Dander: Our furry friends have dander that is lighter than most other allergens, so it floats in the air longer and gets stirred up more easily.