
52 New Things, 2014. Week 2

What have we been up to that is new this week? Find out!

Angie –

I *may* have moved one year closer to 40 this week, which could of course be my new thing, but it’s not. I’m going to get personal and tell you about how I had my first mammogram. Now that I’m “one year closer to 40,” my Dr ordered up my first baseline mammogram. That’s right! I got my boobies mushed by a stranger. (Also a new thing, by the way)  I was a little nervous because I had always heard that it hurt. I consulted a friend who has had the boob check and she assured me that the nervousness was overrated. She was right. It was a little embarrassing and uncomfortable because my body doesn’t bend and hold easily in some of those positions, and the whole having to hold my breath threw me off a little but over all, I have to say it was super easy and completely uneventful.

If you’ve been putting it off for any reason, don’t! It’s something that is super important for you and even if you don’t have a history of breast cancer in your family, do it for yourself and your own piece of mind!

Kristen –

The 8-month-old has started reciprocating kisses. So that is my new thing for this week! It is awesome. If there is an 8-month-old in your general vicinity, you should totally teach her this. (Warning: Lots of drool involved.)

Shirley –

Contemporary Romance Books, aka “Mommy Porn.” I’m in LOVE with reading the new genre (and completely ok with this admission. No Shame.. Head is held high.) These books are such a wonderful escape it makes carpool line a mini vacation! Trust me, you may even thank that “nice” Mom that just cut in front of you.

What did you do new this week?

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