
Homeschool Mommy: Homeschooling High School

As someone who is starting the sixth year of homeschooling my children, I haven’t gotten to all of the extra work that homeschooling High School might involve. I know that you, dear reader, may be ready for that step and I wanted to find you someone who could answer your questions. Or even if you’re years away from having high school age children, I’m sure you have questions on how it works for homeschoolers.

Melissa is the director of my Homeschool cover. She has successfully homeschooled her boys. And she is such an encouragement to the ones of us who are still learning how to get our homeschoolers to college. Every year she gives a seminar on homeschooling high school. This year it will be on June 22. You can find more information here.

She wanted to go over some of the frequently asked questions she gets for homeschooling High School.

“When my oldest son was in 5th grade, I started learning more about homeschooling high school. I was TERRIFIED. I don’t have a college degree in secondary education. I wasn’t even great at geometry when I was in high school! How on earth was I going to teach high school level material to my own kids?

I started out by reading online about this homeschooling high school thing, and I attended a free seminar given by a local church school administrator. What I learned from these was that even I could homeschool high school. At the seminar I attended, the leader explained how to help my kids earn their high school diploma, different ways to go about teaching those hard subjects, and encouraged us to reach out and use local resources in our homeschooling. I left that day feeling like maybe this thing wouldn’t be as hard as I thought!

Now I’m almost on the other side. My oldest son just completed his first year of college with full tuition and room/board scholarship! My youngest son just completed his sophomore year of high school and his first year as a dual enrollment student at a local community college. Have I done everything right? NO WAY! I have made so many mistakes and if I could go back and re-do their high school years there are MANY things I would do differently. But, with a lot of prayer and research, you too can make it through those high school years. One of my favorite parts of homeschooling high school is that I’ve been able to spend time with these young men as they grow up. Just remember that homeschooling high school is only half book work. The other part is the relationship with your kids and preparing them to mature into well-adjusted, level-headed adults.

As a local church school admin myself, here are the top five questions I get concerning homeschooling high school and my answers.

  1. Will they get into college? If they put forth the effort, they can absolutely get into college! Homeschool graduates get into colleges easily every year.
  2. How do I teach the high school courses if I’m not trained in that area? There are so many resources available to homeschoolers these days. Utilize those for the subjects you don’t feel like you can’t teach. There are many local co-op classes and online courses taught by teachers that are trained in that subject.
  3. How do I get a high school transcript? As the parent, you keep up with the classes your student takes, their grades and the credits they receive. There are many online services that will create a transcript for you. Or, find another homeschooling parent that has successfully created one and let them teach you how to do it. I promise it is way easier than it sounds!
  4. How do I prepare them for life after high school? Think about everyday life skills that all adults need to have. How to balance a checkbook, make a dentist appointment, cook a meal, change a tire, do laundry, etc. When your child graduates high school, whether they move off to college, stay home for a while, or move out into their own home, they need to know these things. Adulting is hard enough without having to call your mom to find out how to make a dental appointment when you are 20 years old. The more prepared they are the easier the transition into adulthood will be for them.
  5. Is the homeschool diploma accredited? Will it be accepted by colleges? No and yes. Homeschool diplomas do not reflect accredited classes unless your child has been enrolled in an accredited online program. Most colleges have no issue with a transcript from a homeschooled student. Keep good records on your student’s high school career including what books are used, copies of major papers or projects, books they have read, and extracurricular activities.”

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