Tryouts for Club Volleyball will be starting soon, if you’re thinking about making the move or starting there, here are some pros and cons to consider:
- 1 coach to every 10 girls – an excellent training ratio and great attention for your daughter
a. Some teams even have co-coaches – 1-5 ratio! Even better! Plus they form a great relationship with some wonderful role models - 2 hour practices at least 2 x a week = more focused training
- Quicker, better, more focused development to get them ready for middle school (and beyond) where the competition for spots on the teams is getting pretty tough
- They meet and bond with girls from other schools. (rules prohibit teams from more than 3 girls from the same school) so new friendships and bonds are made – a whole new family for your daughter – and for you.
- Traveling is exciting and fun. The new venues, the new teams. Sometimes they have friends on other teams. Staying in hotels (sometimes only the older girls do this). It can be a family adventure and a lot of fun.
- It can be expensive. Not usually at the younger age level, but it can get up there, and will, the older they get; the more traveling they will do (to gain experience) and it can really hit your pocket book
- It can be time consuming from January to April. It’s a commitment not only for your daughter, but possibly for your whole family or an important part of your family. At least 2 x a month for 4 months.
- It’s not mommy & daddy friendly. You’re turning your daughter over for training. Your input in the process is really not welcomed. Pay up and please step back and let them work.
- Your daughter will get out of it what she puts into it. Superstars play. Those just not getting it ride the bench. It’s just like a real sport. Complaining to the coach really doesn’t help your case. Your daughter working harder will. At the younger ages coaches get it and they know the girls need experience and they work to get them on the court. As they get older they may be placed on the D team as opposed to the A team if they just aren’t making the grade and if there isn’t a “D” team they may be riding the bench until they are able to perform. Clubs like wins, it makes their resumes look good. They are businesses. Girls winning college volleyball scholarships with their help, wins and your dollars is how they survive. Never forget that. They are not the YMCA. They are a business. And the business is looking for and creating amazing volleyball players.
Things to help you decide which club is right for you:
Find out when their try outs are and go to the parent meetings!
Where will they practice? (This was a big one for me.) How far will I have to drive after work to get my kid to practice?
Cost: How much will it cost and what do I get for that cost? Some costs include travel some do not.
Do I know other parents in the club? Get some reviews. Do they like it? Do they like the coaches? Do they like their ways of doing things?
Discuss with your family not just your player – this is going to affect your entire family for 4 months (or more). Make sure everyone is on board.
How does your player feel? At which try-out did she feel most comfortable? (Pick 2 or 3 and go to them to try out and see how she feels)
She will be asked to commit to one, 2 or all. Then you all can make your decision. It’s your money. Never feel pressured to make a decision you are not comfortable with. Be comfortable with where you are spending your money and sending your daughter.
Information for most of the local clubs can be found at –