Buckle up and get ready for a trunkful of Halloween magic that will make this spooky season unforgettable for your family! Here’s a list of Trunk or Treats and Halloween fun at our local libraries!
Hoover YMCA
When: Saturday, October 21st | 11am – 1pm
Where: Hoover YMCA
Trussville YMCA
Trunk or Treat and Fall Festival
When: Saturday, October 21st | 3pm – 5pm
Where: Trussville YMCA
Asbury United Methodist
Get ready for a fa-boo-lous time at Asbury’s Trunk or Treat! Whether you’re a ghost, goblin, superhero, princess, you name it, all are welcome to join us for a night of family-friendly Halloween fun. Admission is free and everyone is welcome!
WHEN: Sunday, October 22nd | 4pm – 6pm
WHERE: Asbury by the soccer fields.
The Church at Old Town Helena
Trunk or Treat, Inflatables, Games, and more! This is a free event.
WHEN: Sunday, October 22nd | 3pm – 6pm
WHERE: The Church at Old Town in Helena
First Baptist Church of Birmingham
In the parking lot
WHEN: Wednesday, October 25th | 6pm
WHERE: First Baptist Church of Birmingham
Metropolitan Church of God
Join us for a family friendly, safe and fun event! There is something for every age with hay rides, inflatables, games, food and best of all it’s completely FREE!
WHEN: Wednesday, October 25th | 6:30pm – 8pm
WHERE: Metropolitan Church of God
Vestavia Hills United Methodist Church
Spooky season is here it’s time to Trunk or Treat!
WHEN: Wednesday, October 25th | 6pm – 7pm
WHERE: Vestavia Hills United Methodist Church
Alabaster YMCA
Trunk or Treat
When: Thursday, October 26th | 5:30pm – 7:30pm
Where: Alabaster YMCA
Downtown Calera Trunk or Treat
Decorated vehicles will be parked throughout the Calera Courtyard festival area behind the downtown shops as well as lining the sidewalks along Highway 25 and Highway 31.
WHEN: Thursday, October 26th | 5:30pm – 8pm
WHERE: Calera Courtyard located at 1120 17th Avenue
JCA Fall Fest
Come for a fun-filled evening of live music, hay rides, and a Trunk or Treat!
WHEN: Friday, October 27th | 5:30pm
WHERE: Jefferson Christian Academy
Alabaster Fall Festival
Trick or treat trail, Live music, arts and crafts, food vendors, pumpkin hunt, inflatables and more!
WHEN: Saturday, October 28th | 10am – 3pm
WHERE: Buck Creek Greenway, Alabaster
Covenant Community Church
It’s time for Trunk or Treat and Festival Time! Join us for a fun day of treats, festivities, and silly costumes. Everyone is invited!
WHEN: Saturday, October 28th | 11am – 4pm
WHERE: Covenant Community Church
Fall Festival Irondale
Bring the kids out to the Fall Festival in Irondale. Sponsored by the Irondale Chamber of Commerce. Free event, connect with member businesses and others in our community.
WHEN: Saturday, October 28th, | 12pm – 4pm
WHERE: 3521 Ratliff Road Irondale
Haunt the Hills
Trick-or-Treat on the Grand Lawn with local businesses from 4:00-6:00 pm!
Inflatables, food trucks, and costume and pumpkin carving contests, finishing off the night with a showing of Monsters Inc. on the big screen!
WHEN: Saturday, October 28th | 4pm – 6pm
WHERE: Wald Park
Shades Valley YMCA
Put your costumes on, bring your family and join us for some Halloween fun! Free and open to the public.
WHEN: Saturday, October 28th |2pm – 4pm
WHERE: Shades Valley YMCA
Trunk or Treat
Games, face painting and treats! Be sure to join us!
WHEN: Saturday, October 28th | 3pm – 5pm
WHERE: First United Methodist Church of Alabaster
Spooktacular Fall Festival
Join us for a night of fun for the whole family! Play games & win some treats!
Face painting, Halloween Bingo & More! This is a free community event so invite your friends!
WHEN: Saturday, October 28th | 5pm
WHERE: Greystone YMCA
Free Fall Fest
Free Event! Food, candy, community, trunk or treat, inflatables!
WHEN: Saturday, October 28th | 5:30pm
WHERE: Mt Olive Ball Park
Halloween Festival
Join us for some Halloween fun! Everyone is welcome.
WHEN: Saturday, October 28th | 6pm – 8pm
WHERE: Unitarian Universalist Church of Birmingham
Trunk or Treat in East Birmingham
Join us for family fun with lots of trunks, a bouncy house, music,
a chili cook-off and cookie bake-off. Hosted by Citizens Church.
WHEN: Sunday, October 29th, 1pm
WHERE: 8300 9th Ave South, 35206
Church of Brookhills
A PARKING LOT FULL of creatively decorated cars with open trunks, filled with loads of great candy–that’s Trunk or Treat!
When: Sunday, October 29th | 4:30pm – 7:30pm
Where: The Church at Brookhills
Church of Christ Homewood
FREE Fall Festival that’s fun for the whole family! Fun games, delicious food, live musical entertainment, and Trunk or Treat!
When: Sunday, October 29th | 4pm – 6pm
Where: Homewood Church of Christ
Mountain Chapel Methodist
WHERE: Mountain Chapel Methodist
Valleydale Church
Rides, trunk or treat, food trucks, inflatables, a hay ride and more!
When: Sunday, October 29th | 3pm
Where: Valleydale Church
Woodlawn Community Trunk or Treat
Woodlawn for Trunk or Treat 2023! Bring the kids to show off your best costume and snag some sweet treats!
When: Sunday, October 29th | 3pm-5pm
Where: The municipal parking lot at 55th Place and 1st Ave South
Morgan United Methodist Church
Come in costume and enjoy the fun of Halloween in a family friendly and Christian atmosphere! All are welcome!
WHEN: Sunday, October 29th | 4pm – 6pm
Brewster Road Community Church
Fun until the candy runs out!
WHEN: Tuesday, October 31st | 6pm
WHERE: Brewster Road Community Road Church
Christian Life Fellowship
Everyone is invited!
WHEN: Monday, October 31st | 6- 7:30pm
WHERE: Christian Life Fellowship Calera
Birmingham Public Central Library
When: Tuesday, October 31st | All Day
Where: Central Library
Homewood Public Library
When: Tuesday, October 31st | 9am – 9pm
Where: Homewood Public Library
Hoover Library
Trick or Treat in the Library
WHEN: Tuesday, October 31st | All Day
WHERE: Hoover Public Library
Trick or Treat at Trusville Library
Visit stations around the library to collect candy and prizes. Each child will receive a free book!
WHEN: Tuesday, October 31st | 5pm – 7pm
WHERE: Trussville Library
The Birmingham Zoo
Hoots and Howls
Where: The Birmingham Zoo
The Summit Shopping Center
Join The Summit’s inaugural Trick-or-Treating event this Halloween! Put on your spookiest costumes and grab your favorite candy bag as you explore the participating stores, each marked with a festive pumpkin window decal.
When: Tuesday October 31st | 4pm to 8pm
Where: The shops at the Summit
Vulcan’s Spooktacular
There will be free , music, trick or treating and MORE! are FREE for Vulcan Park & Museum members.
When: Tuesday, October 31st | 6pm – 8pm
Where: Vulcan Park