Every little bit of savings can help when it comes to buying school supplies and clothing. This weekend is tax free weekend (August 5th – 7th ) around the city so you, the parent- a.k.a the one with all of the money, can get a little relief on some of the things you need to buy.
So, what items are you eligible to save on?
- Clothing under $100
- School supplies under $50
- Books under $30
- Computers/computer equipment under $750
Not all counties are participating so before heading out, check this list and make your game plan for where you want to shop. Keep in mind that the sales start at 12:01 Friday morning, so if you can sneak out and do some of your shopping at a big box retailer that is open 24 hours, it might be a great way to avoid some of the crowds you might encounter during normal shopping hours throughout the weekend.
Don’t forget your coupons and make sure you don’t get sucked into a false sense of savings. Do a little research before making a big purchase to be sure the items you’re looking for aren’t typically less expensive before (or after) the tax free weekend. A great way to do this is to check online before you shop!
We hope you have a very happy and successful tax free holiday!