Do you put the “Social” in social media? Whether it’s Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Plurk (Remember that one?) Linkedin or just in case it ever makes a come back, Myspace, the world of Social Media users is on the rise and we decided we should take a second and do a little Public Service, a bit of an intervention, if you will.
If you answer yes to the following questions, you may be addicted to social media. Remember admitting your problem is the first step to recovery.
1. Do you find it completely appropriate to “poke” people in a public forum?
2. Do you consider your day an epic FAIL if no one “re-tweets” you.
3. Have you mastered the art of being witty and charming in 140 characters or less
4. Do all of your best friends names start with @?
5. You know everyone’s full name, as listed on Facebook.
6. You speak in #hashtag
7. You’re late everywhere you go because you’re busy Facebooking where you’re going and who you’re going to be with.
8. You read number 7 and didn’t even think about “Facebooking” not being a word.
9. You know your Klout.
10. You’ve claimed the title as “Mayor” of anything without ever actually campaigning or running for office.
So, what do you think? Do you have SocialMedia-itis?
Sadly, I do.