
Shop Local Birmingham!

Shopping local is important, we know it’s easy to get excited about all of the Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals but in the midst of all that crazy, don’t forget about the Mom and Pops right here in our own community.

Small Business Saturday is November 26th, and we encourage you to spend your money with locally owned businesses. They employ local people and pay taxes into our very own community. Small businesses typically donate more to non-profits (here in our community) and according to “for every $100 spent with a locally owned business, $68 stays right here in our economy.  $43 stays if you spend it with a chain, and nearly $0 stays if you spend it with a business headquartered outside our area.”

It’s a small thing that can make a huge difference so think about that as you do your holiday shopping over the weekend (and every day, really.) Let’s support our community and shop local!


3 thoughts on “Shop Local Birmingham!

  1. Angie, thanks for a timely post on a really important topic. It’s great that more people are recognizing the value of shopping locally, and I hope our site can help them as well as merchants make the connection.

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