One in six individuals in the USA has a sensory processing need of some kind. RMT has undergone training to make our theatre accessible and welcoming to all people. We do this two ways:
Special sensory bags are always available at the box office to help individuals in their theatre experience.
We offer Sensory-Friendly performances that are modified to create a safe and welcoming theatre experience for patrons with any sensory needs.
The performance runs approximately 2 hours and 30 minutes, including a 15-minute intermission.
What is a sensory-friendly performance?
Sensory-friendly performances are theatre productions modified to create a safe and welcoming theatre experience for patrons on the autism spectrum, and those with sensory processing disorders, anxiety, or other cognitive or physical disabilities.
What changes can we expect for the sensory friendly performance
Accommodations for these performances include:
Audience size is limited
Lower sound levels, especially for startling or jarring sounds
Reduced strobe lighting or lighting focused on the audience
The lights in the theatre will remain on at a low level during the performance
Patrons are free to talk, make noise and leave their seats during the performance
Space for standing and movement throughout the theatre
Limited crowds and visitors during the time of the performance
Designated quiet areas within the lobby if patrons need a break from the performance
RMT staff trained to be inviting and accommodating to patrons’ needs.
How can I get tickets for the sensory friendly performance? What if I have specific seat questions or needs?
Tickets for these performances can be purchased online at or by phone at (205) 324-2424. If the performance is not sold out, tickets can be purchased in person through our Box Office beginning one hour prior to the show start time. For questions regarding tickets or seating, please contact Tori Penton, Box Office Manager. Tori can be reached by email at or direct line at (205) 383-1718, Monday-Friday, 9AM-5PM.
Who should attend these performances? Can people without sensory sensitivity attend these performances?
Individuals of all abilities and with any and all behaviors are welcome. Sensory- friendly performances are specifically catered to individuals with sensory input disorders, autism, or other development, cognitive and physical disabilities, and their families and caretakers. These performances are presented in a relaxed way with lower sound levels and reduced lighting effects, among other things, to ensure a comfortable environment. This is a judgement-free, fun experience for the entire family. All children must be accompanied by an adult. Caretakers and family members of individuals with special needs are encouraged to attend.
If my child/family member is not able to sit through the entire show or needs to take a break during the performance, will we be able to leave the theatre? Will we be able to return to our seats?
Yes. Ushers and staff will be helping any patrons to and from the theatre. Designated quiet areas within the lobby will be available if patrons need to take a break from the performance. The performance will be broadcasted to televisions in these areas so you and your child/family member can continue to watch the show. These areas are available throughout the duration of the performance, and can be used as often and for as long as needed. Re-entrance to the theatre is available at any time during this performance as well.
Is there anything I can do to help my child/family member prep for this new experience?
RMT provides multiple tools online, at, to help individuals, especially children, who have difficulty with transitioning into new environments.
Review RMT’s social story which is a step-by-step narrative about what to expect when coming to the theatre, also available in video.
Read the “More About…” for the production. This will include a plot summary, scene by scene guide, character guide, and potential content warnings. This is available under the event page.
Arrive early to find your seat, and meet our volunteers and staff.
If needed, you can schedule a time to “Meet Your Seat.” You can come to RMT prior to the performance to walk through the theatre and become comfortable with your seat and the event space. To schedule a “Meet Your Seat,” contact Dakota Patrick by email at or direct line at (205) 463-3627, Monday-Friday, 9AM-5PM.
We encourage patrons to use these tools to prepare for the whole theatrical experience, from beginning to end.
Can I bring fidget toys, headphones, or other items that help my child/family member stay calm?
Yes. RMT encourages you to bring any items that might make the experience more comfortable and enjoyable. A limited number of sensory bags will also be available for use and can be picked up at the Box Office beginning one hour prior to the performance. We require a photo ID be held at the Box Office while a sensory bag is being used.
My child/family member is deaf or hard of hearing. Will there be ASL interpreters at the sensory friendly performance?
No, but RMT does have assisted listening devices available upon request. Devices can be picked up at the Box Office beginning one hour prior to the performance. We require a photo ID be held at the Box Office while assisted listening devices are being used. Upon request, RMT does staff ASL interpreters for performances separate from the sensory friendly performance.
My child/family member is blind or has low vision. Can you accommodate us?
Yes. RMT will have large print programs available upon request. These can be picked up at the Box Office before the performance.
My family member is in a wheelchair. Can you accommodate us?
Yes. Both of RMT’s theatrical spaces offer accessible seating options, denoted online by a blue seat with a wheelchair icon, and green companion seat with a “C” icon. Accessible parking tickets are also available for the RMT Arts Campus lot.
Are service animals allowed in the theatre?
Yes, certified trained service animals as allowed by law. If you intend to bring a service animal to an event, please notify your ticket representative at the time of purchase so an appropriate seat may be arranged.
Who can I contact if I have questions about RMT’s sensory friendly performances?
Please contact Patron Experience Manager Dakota Patrick, and he will be happy to answer any questions you may have. Dakota can be reached by email at or direct line at (205) 463-3627, Monday-Friday, 9AM-5PM.