Skip Hop may have invented the perfect diaper bag for moms of multiples. If you have multiples or even children close enough in age to need a bag for both, you should really consider investing in this gem of a bag. It’s the Duo Double Deluxe, it’s the only bag we know of designed specifically to fit “conveniently and neatly over the handlebars” of a side by side, double stroller. In addition to fitting the double stroller, it has 16 pockets, and can be carried by the tote straps or messenger strap. It features magnetic closures throughout and a comfy shoulder strap. 6 colors/designs to choose from, so it’s fashionable too! Depending on where you purchase the price can range from around $40.oo (TJMaxx) up to as much as $80.00 (direct from Skip Hop site.) We’ve also seen them listed on ebay so if you don’t mind previously owned, that’s a great place to start.