We’re moms. We’re bloggers. We’re mommy bloggers! For us, blogging started out as a fun little “diary” of sorts and blog-reading started out as a guilty little pleasure. Now, it’s more of ‘what we do’ than ever! So, we’ve put together a list of our top 9 blogs for Moms to share the love! Why 9? Because it’s our blog and we say so! There is no order – we could never pick an actual favorite!
1. Baby Cheapskate – this gal always (I mean always!) finds the best baby-related deals on the web. She breaks down diaper deals, formula deals, and everything else you ever needed to know. She takes savvy shopping to a new level and we likey!
2. Fiddledeedee – so, we’ve mentioned her before too. Well what do you know, when we like, we share. Fiddledeedee lays out the deals for Publix for us weekly, making our own shopping a breeze. Publix should put this gal on the payroll because she’s good. Real good.
3. Rookie Moms. A must read for any rookie (or not so) Mom of young kids. I always hit their pages when in need of a good activity!
4. Playgroups Are No Place for Children. She’s real. She’s funny. She’s real funny. Check her out!
5. FrugalMom.net This is a frugal living smorgasbord on anything and everything to save a darn buck.
6. Strollerderby at Babble. The mother of all mom blogs. If you want to read it, you’ll find it here.
7. The Zen Mom. We like this one because sometimes things aren’t so…zen.
8. The Childless Bitch Because damn it! Sometimes we need to remember how the other side feels!
9. The Mad Mom Go check out the bitchin’ in her kitchen!