
No Name-Calling Week

We know that words can hurt, and one full week in January has been set aside to study the effect of name calling and to learn how we can be better friends and teachers.

No Name-Calling Week is an annual week of educational activities aimed at ending name-calling of all kinds and providing schools with the tools and inspiration to launch an on-going dialogue about ways to eliminate bullying in their communities. As parents it’s a great time to remember that there are so many things we can do starting at home, to help teach our children to be kind to others. Kids who live with yelling, name-calling, putdowns, harsh criticism, or physical anger from a sibling or parent/caregiver may act that out in other settings.

Here are some things to keep in mind this week and always:

Teach your child to treat others with respect and kindness. Teach your child that it is wrong to ridicule others for their differences such as race, religion, appearance, special needs, gender, or economic status. Try to instill a sense of empathy for those who are different.

Encourage their good behavior. Positive reinforcement can be more powerful than negative discipline. Catch your kids being good — and when they handle situations in ways that are constructive or positive, take notice and praise them for it.

Lead by example. Think carefully about the things you say in front of your children. How do you handle conflict or problems? Do you do it kindly or aggressively? Chances are your children will follow the example you set for them. They’re always listening.

Maintain Open Communication. Encourage your child to talk about school and their friends. Show them that you are truly interested in hearing about their day, that way you can stay in the loop and more easily identify any potential problems as or before they arrive.

What big or small ways do you keep bullying and no name calling present in your family?


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