Join the community this weekend – November 7 & 8, 2009- for the 4th annual Moss Rock Festival at The Preserve in Hoover. This excellent festival is a regional focus for nature, art, design and green living. And this year there’s a yummy celebrity guest – host of HGTV’s “Carter Can”, Carter Oosterhouse. He’ll be appearing on Saturday, November 7 on stage to speak about using clean, efficient natural gas, and other green tips for your home. He’ll also be doing meet and greets with patrons from Alagasco’s booth.
Attendance to the festival is free, and free parking is available – parking is located at Region’s Park (formerly the Hoover Met) – a quick 5-minute shuttle escorts guests to and from the event. See their website (located below) for information on handicap drop-off and pick-up.
Also this year, the festival is accepting electronic recycling. Technical Knockout will be taking electronic donations at Regions Park on Saturday & Sunday. Acceptable donations include: computer components, hard drives, monitors, keyboards, mice, cables, wiring, power supplies, printers, copiers, fax machines, telephones, cell phones, scanners, battery back ups, printer cartridges, any metal like shelving or file cabinets, all electronics EXCEPT TV’s. For more information, check out MRF’s Eco‐Ideas menu heading on MRF’s website. Then click on Programs. Or visit
Additionally, you can bring any documents that need to be shredded to the parking location of the festival. Shred It will be taking document donations for destruction at Regions Park on Saturday
only. Visit for more info about acceptable document donations
For additional festival information, visit their site Moss Rock Festival