What an exciting experience! We had such a great time seeing “The Chosen One” in person. As we mentioned in our first segment, the set is absolutely beautiful and exactly what you would think of when you think of Martha. Lots of lush green plants, meticulously decorated, and we can only imagine the deliciousness that was being cooked up in the kitchen.
Martha was very personable with the audience and caught us all off guard when she cut loose a bit. During the question and answer session after the show, an audience member asked her about her very, very high heels. We’re talking 5 inches or more here! Martha is dignified and always a proper lady, so naturally when she responded that those very high heels were “good for… you know” we were confused, then shocked. We don’t think she meant gardening. We like edgy Martha! Edgy Martha throws her leg up on a table to show us her shoes!
We were able to stay after the show and watch her tape promos for upcoming shows. Stay tuned, we’re already planning a trip back for the Pole Dancing episode. (We kid, we kid.)
We received a copy of guest Pim Techamuanvivit’s book, The Foodie Handbook. We’ll be giving that away soon, so keep an eye out. She has a Pad Thai recipe that made our mouths water.
For a complete rundown of our Martha Experience, check out:
Sounds like a wonderful time. I’m so jealous & trying my darnedest not to hate you! 🙂
WBfS – we wish we could’ve taken everyone with us – it would’ve been so much fun!
Britt – can you believe those shoes? She rocked them though. Martha don’t play.
Corrie – I wish we could’ve met up – we thought afterward how we should’ve tried to meet as many folks as we could for lunch or dinner just to get to know some of our fellow bloggers! But hey – at least you made one of our pics 😀
Wowee! Sounds so exciting!!!! No longer feel too old for certain footwear!
I was at the show on Thursday as well. I enjoyed reading your post! Feel free to check out my NYC blog post. BTW…I’m in your picture. I’m the one in purple w/my camera in the air!! 🙂