As Halloween approaches many families are amping up the scary in their households with decorations, parties and maybe even some scary movies. But what might be fun-scary for adults and older children, can be quite frightening for the little ones.
Consider arming them with some “Monster Spray,” It can help make children feel less afraid of what might be lurking around this Halloween! Never heard of it? It’s simple. All you need is a spray bottle and a little creativity. Creativity in the form of some water, some essential oils, like lavender, and stickers or labels to decorate your very own bottle of Monster Spray.
“Preschool children and those in early elementary school often have a difficult time with Halloween,” says Theresa Kruczek, a counseling psychology professor at Ball State University. “Some may say they understand when things are make believe and when they are not, but it still may not register when the event occurs.
Kruczek also advises:
• Limit preschoolers to 30 minutes or less of activities, including trick-or-treating, and only during daylight hours.
• Ask friends and strangers to take off masks to show children that there really is a person under the costume.
• Parents and siblings should never wear masks around youngsters afraid of such items.
• In families with children of varying age ranges, allow each youngster to participate in age-appropriate activities.
• Avoid haunted houses unless the facility offers age-appropriate activities.
“Just because you love haunted houses doesn’t mean your 4-year-old will,” Kruczek says. “Remember that parents are the best judges of their children’s abilities. If kids freak out during a scary movie, they’ll freak out at a haunted house or when someone in a scary outfit comes by.”
How do you keep your little ones from being too scared on Halloween?
photo credit: <a href=””>chavezonico</a> via <a href=””>photopin</a> <a href=””>cc</a>