If your wee one started school a few weeks ago, you’re probably adjusting back to school life too. For many of us, that means homework. Here are a few tips from a teacher/mom for making homework a great (and rewarding) experience.
1. Have a routine. For us, homework is done in the same place at the same time each day.
2. You need the right setting. And it’s not in front of a tv. Try using your dining room- usually it is quiet and has few distractions, but is still close enough for you to guide and help.
3. You have a role in homework! I do not recommend sending them to their bedrooms to do homework. Homework should be an interactive experience between parent and child, usually until the child enters middle school. Just because you aren’t the teacher, that doesn’t mean you don’t need to know how their learning is coming along. Keep them close, watch them, and talk to them about what they’re doing and why it’s important.
4. Give them a small break. It is hard for small kids to be at school for 8 hours and then come home to sit and do more work. Allow them to go outside for a set time limit before they do their homework. If you know your child will have a hard time settling back down, do a snack time instead.
5. Don’t have a negative attitude about homework. Remember, you’re the example. The more your child hears you say that you hate homework, the more they learn that it isn’t important. Stress to them how crucial learning is for their future choices in life. Be a good example. Be positive. Don’t expect them to love doing the right thing if you don’t show a little love for it as well!
How does your family juggle the demands of homework with your regular afternoon/evening happenings?