
Gifts for Dad!

I’m not sure about your Dad or Husband but both of mine are not very easy to buy for. We go back and forth trying to hint around and then end up just point blank asking them what they want or suggesting they go out and get something for themselves that I can wrap up and have the kids present to them on Father’s Day.

So what to get the Men in your life when they seem to have everything already? We’ve got a few ideas.

1. Never underestimate the power of a gift card. Restaurants, clothing, sports, whatever they are in to, you can most certainly find a gift card to go with it.

2. Cheeriodicals are simply awesome- you can choose which kind of box o’ cheer to send. We sent my dad the BBQ one and he raved about it.

3. For those dads who are just so hard to buy for, yet have a great sense of humor- how about a book that will keep him laughing? Sh*t My Dad Says is a bit raunchy, but absolutely hilarious! It’s a collection of the many sayings the author’s dad used to say to him. One example:  On human survival–  “No. Humans will die out. We’re weak. Dinosaurs survived on rotten flesh. You got diarrhea last week from a Wendy’s.”

4. Pictures of the family for his office are always a great fall back.

5. How about getting crafty how about some cute little magnets? Super easy to make, here’s what you’ll need and what you’ll do –


Clear glass gems (found at crafts stores, usually in the floral dept.) round magnets, hot glue gun, white cardstock, sharpie markers, pen and scissors.

What You’ll Do:

Color designs on your white cardstock about the same size as the glass gems. Place glass pebble on top of artwork you wish to use, and draw around it with a pen, Cut out circles from artwork or if you have the right size punch, you can use that too.
Hot glue the back of gem, attach artwork, and allow to dry. Attach magnet to the back of the cardstock using hot glue.


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