
Free Summer Movies!

Are you looking for an inexpensive way to entertain the children this summer? has found a great way to have fun, and it won’t break the bank. There are several options for free movies in Birmingham and surrounding areas.

Beginning Friday, May 30th, Homewood park kicks off their annual “Free Friday Flicks,” and the City of Helena offers “Movies in the Park,” at the Helena Amphitheater. Both parks will start the movie at dusk, roughly 8:00pm. But make sure to go early and take part in the free activities. Bring a blanket, and some lawn chairs and enjoy a family evening under the stars.

Helena does not allow outside food or drink, but concessions are reasonably priced and the proceeds go to park improvements.

If an air conditioned theater with the smell of freshly popped pop corn sounds better than the great outdoors, check out The Rave or Regal cinemas. Both offer a complete series of summer movies, free of charge. Movies begin at 10:00am on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, and will run through July. Availability is first come, first served. Seating is limited, so it’s recommended that you arrive early.

Check out the calendar for more information.

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