
Easing Into the Post-Baby Workout

So, you’ve had the baby – now what?  If you are like me, after a few weeks of taking it easy, you can’t wait to start moving around a bit more than you have been.  If you previously enjoyed regular exercise, you’re probably more than ready to jump back into your routine and get moving.

Mary Zarate, of Adventure Boot Camp in Birmingham, has given us some great tips for easing back into a workout regimen post-baby.  First things first, you need to get approval from your doctor. “Wait until you are cleared to exercise, especially after a c-section. Just because you feel normal on the outside (besides the extra weight), you have to remember the trauma is on the inside of your body and you may not be as aware of it!”

There are a few things to consider as you begin a post-baby workout.  Things may need a little help that you didn’t think about before.  One thing Zarate encourages is integrating kegels into your workout. “Most importantly, unless you want to pee on yourself the rest of your years, you MUST do kegels.  Do them while driving, standing in line at the grocery store or just anytime you think of it.  Do them while you are exercising as well!”

Losing that baby weight is similar to losing any weight that seems to just want to stick.  With hard work and the right combination of activity, you’ll get to your main goal of shedding the pounds and toning up.  Zarate recommends a combination of cardio work and strength training to achieve maximum results.

“In order to be fit and loose the baby weight, you have to have a combination of cardiovascular exercise combined with strength training.  The best way to do this is through interval training.  You do not have to kill or bore yourself running for 45 minutes!  It would be better to do intervals of running combined with strengthening exercises.  A few ways to do this would be set a distance ( 2 miles) and do run/walk combo.  You can run 1 mintue, walk 1 minute.  If this seems too challenging just shorten the intervals to 30 seconds running and 1 minute walking.  You can also set a time limit, for example do the run/walk combo for 20 minutes.  When finished with that do 3 to 5 rounds of all of these exercises, 10 to 20 repetitions depending on your fitness level.”

For strength-training, Zarate recommends starting with push-ups, squats, lunges, crunches or sit ups and lying back extensions.  “Planks are also great at developing your core!  Do 10 planks from your elbows at 8 seconds each, resting only 2-5 seconds in between each plank.”

Starting off at a slow pace will help you build momentum and get back to your fitness routine in no-time.  Just don’t forget to take it easy – the weight will come off, in my experience, it just takes a little longer.

If you’d like more information on Adventure Boot Camp, visit their site here

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