I was late to the game, but when I found Downton Abbey… my life was complete. Hearing the Dowager Countess declare that it was such a pity to waste pudding… brilliant! If you’re a fan, you’ll love a few fun things we found. If you haven’t seen it yet, you must! Amazon Prime offers free showings, or you can go the Netflix route for $7.99 a month. Do it now!
Our friend Rachel at GraspingForObjectivity.com has a severe case of ODD (Obsessive Downton Disorder). She put together some great graphics and discussions over on her blog.
We also loved the faux Facebook pages for the characters- give yourself some time, you’ll be unable to pull yourself away!
Americans may spend too much time sitting in front of televisions and computers, but moms don’t have quite so much free time. We have to find the shows that are worth something and DVR them for that precious hour after the kids go off to bed. For me, those have been Game of Thrones, Downton Abbey, The Walking Dead, and Big Bang Theory. What are your shows that you can’t miss?
Rachel cracks me up. Those graphics are hilarious and very helpful in getting me caught up. I would add Jon Stewart and Colbert to the list when I’m not watching local news. Otherwise you can catch NPR blaring in my “rolling office”…#ScienceFriday Woot!