Jessica Simpson isn’t the first mom to be judged for what kind of clothes her daughter is wearing. Chances are, we’re all guilty of judging. I’ll freely admit- when I see very young girls dressed like they’re going to the night club, I judge those parents. I immediately assume that those parents are the ones who don’t know how to say no, who are permissive because they lack confidence.
In the name of fairness, I did a little digging to see why some parents allow their daughters to dress in a provocative manner. Here’s what I found:
1. They want their kids to like them, view them as a friend. Many moms stated that they feel like their daughter will be more willing to be honest with them about touchy subjects such as sex and drugs.
2. They choose their battles, and clothes just aren’t high on the list.
3. They personally like it. Some women just have different taste.
4. They are projecting. The women didn’t themselves admit to this, but psychologists cite it as a reason. Some women were unpopular and dealt with tough times in their childhood, and want to make sure their daughter doesn’t suffer that same fate.
Hopefully, this will help me keep my judging to a minimum. What do you think, why do some parents let their daughters dress provocatively?