
Do It Yourself Dress Up Closet

I’m a Mom to 3 girls. Girls that love to play dress up.  We recently did some purging of the playroom and narrowed down the princess dresses to everything that was in good condition and still fit them, but this still left us with more than our one storage box could handle.

I was looking for a way to house these play clothes in a way that was easy for them to get to, wasn’t stuffed in a box and wasn’t an eye sore. I didn’t have a lot of extra cash laying around for this “on a whim” project but what I did have was one white IKEA bookcase sitting unused.

I took a quick trip to Target for a tension rod – $6… Came home, removed the shelves from the bookcase, put the tension rod in and viola’ – A brand new dress up closet that can easily go back to a bookcase when/if needed.

I was pretty proud of my creation and the fact that it cost next to nothing. We added a bin on the bottom shelf for all of their jewelry and accessories, again, easy for them to reach. If you wanted to and the size of your bookcase allowed it,  you could always add a mirror on the side or some hooks for hats or just extra hanging space.

10 thoughts on “Do It Yourself Dress Up Closet

  1. LOVE, love, love this idea!!!! In fact, just yesterday, my daughter and I were cleaning/organizing/purging items in her room, and I came to overflowing basket of dress up clothes…I hate to see them all shoved into such a basket on her floor, and thought that I just might hang some extra hooks on her wall…but THIS idea is so muych better and so cute too!!!! Thanks for the much needed inspiration!


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