
Charmed By Charming Charlie in Birmingham

While getting my hair done the other day, I was expressing the tragedy that is my closet to my stylist, and she recommended I check  out Charming Charlie. She said their jewelry alone was amazing and their clothes were really cute. She was so right.

Since I was kid free, I mosied on up the hill to the Summit Shopping Center and walked into the most colorful, most vibrant accessory and clothing boutique I have been into in a very long time. It’s this fun candy land of beautiful jewelry, scarves and handbags.  Everything is color coordinated and it’s so easy to find the perfect accessory to match the trendy new outfit you will have to buy when you realize their prices are so affordable you can get the outfit and accessories without breaking the bank…

Any store that can combine selection, style and value, gets our vote! So, next time you are out and about, put this store on your to-do list.

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