
Birthdays done simply

We all want to make sure our kids have a memorable birthday party.  But that doesn’t mean you have to go crazy.  We’ve all seen “Sweet Sixteen” on MTV, and let’s be real here… that is NOT the result we’re going for.  There’s no better way to show your kids that it is their time with family and friends that is the most valuable – maybe they’ll even stop asking guests “Where’s my present?” as they arrive.  Not that that’s ever happened to me.  More than once.  Or twice.


Keep it simple, the focus is the people not the time you spent prepping.

  • Fruit- it’s easy and healthy, what more do you need?  Strawberries, pineapple, apple, oranges.
  • Munching food- pretzels, goldfish, crackers, and no party is complete without some potato chips.
  • Dips- combine with munching foods and it’s a win win!  Salsa, queso, spinach dip… all are easy yet filling.


Deanna Gardner, of The Baby Gardner, has some tips to make any party unique and cost-effective too. “To save funds, have a DIY (do-it-yourself) birthday party. Become a crafty momma and encourage the birthday boy or girl to help.
Together you can spend quality time creating invitations and decorations for the party. Simple paper chain streamers and handmade cards cut the party budget and encourage creative play. Look online for simple craft projects to help in your party planning.”


It doesn’t take much to please a kid.  The simple pleasures are your best bets.  Balloons, pinatas, some fun dress up clothes… it’s all so easy but it works.

What ideas do you have for throwing a great, yet simple Birthday Party?

2 thoughts on “Birthdays done simply

  1. Great post! Birthdays can be soooo stressful. My husband almost left me after our first child’s first birthday. I made a mountain out of a mole hill and, although memorable for all “the little details”, it had little to do with the actual cause for celebration and more with my own need to meticulously plan the perfect fete…for my KID.

    Sweet Pea (the oldest) turns three this Saturday. This is what I’ve picked up in 2+ years of party-throwing…

    *Until they can ask for it, forego the guest list! (Nothing easier than a special outing to your neighborhood Mexican restaurant for some sombrero serenading and all-you-can-eat chips and salsa. For a two/three year old, that’s a high-time. Throw a few grandparents/uncles/aunts/cousins in the mix and you have yourself a gathering simple enough to handle with ease.)

    *Invest in a “Birthday Bucket”. (I have a plastic tub full of decorations and games (mainly leftovers from the 1st Birthday Overkill Bash) that comes out for birthdays. There are fun hats, noisemakers, a cheap and colorful banner for the front porch, etc. that I save from year to year and replenish throughout the year. 1 – I don’t go overboard with my birthday-budget. 2 – If, IF I’m in a bind , I can always pull out the “Birthday Bucket” and make a few little ones happy.

    *Just say no to commercial “themes”. (I’m probably a bigger fan of Mater than my Cars-obsessed kid, but I wouldn’t dare allow his birthday party to become an homage to trending commercialism… Instead, I’m using his favorite color as inspiration. I’ll invest in some purple plates/cups/napking, we’ll make purple icing with blueberries and cream cheese, and I’ll ask our guests (family only) to sport purple attire. Walking decorations, people. Done.)

    Now, I haven’t experienced birthday-throwing-pressure from a ten-year old, and I know that will require a new set of ideas and a much more robust “Birthday Bucket”…but for now I can at least focus on what’s important – celebrating three wonderful years of life, laughter and love.

    Happy Birthday, Sweet Pea!

  2. My grandchildren and my children have enjoyed the Birmingham Zoo as a place for a party.. No stress, they do it all. With animals encounters…

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