If you’re looking for a great way to spend this beautiful weekend with the family, why not try the 5th Annual Chili Cook off benefiting the Exceptional Foundation in Homewood? Seventy teams will compete while you get to sample, there will be live music and refreshments. You can buy your tickets at the gate, or swing by the Exceptional foundation before 6:00pm this Thursday. Advanced tickets are $10, or $15 at the gate. Children under 12 are free.
Saturday March 7th – 10:30a – 3:30p
The Chili Cook off is held in the Exceptional Foundation parking lot which is shared with Homewood park.
Shuttle provided from Dawson Memorial and Shades Cahaba Elementary
Other locations for parking:
Our Lady of Sorrows
Trinity Methodist Church
Along Central Avenue and side streets
Front Entrance – Oxmoor Road entrance
Park Entrance – At end of bridge connecting to park
Rear Entrance – Between Pavillion and Homewood Recreation Center