Aldridge Gardens annual Kids Fishing Derby will be held September 27, 2008. This year, there will be two sessions, one from 8-10 am and one from 11-1 pm. This parent/child event has limited attendance, so get your entry forms in early! Like Now! (They’re due no later than September 15th – but with limited space I wouldn’t wait)
There will be a cash reward of $100 for “Biggest Fish” and $100 for “Most Fish” caught per session. Rules and registration information may be picked up at the Gardens. There is a $10 entry fee per child. Aldridge Garden members may bring their children or grandchildren for free. You may register by phone or fax to 682-8085 or email to Payment may be sent in with registration form or paid at the gate the morning of the event.
For more information, visit their website