
Ahhhh….Choo! Birmingham Mommies Don't want the flu!

Don’t forget to head out to your local doc or visit a flu shot clinic to get your dose of the flu shot this season! We usually go for flu mist, but that’s not always available.

Here are some local flu shot clinics in the area:

Walgreens – for $24.99 the flu shot is available at all participating Walgreens pharmacies. And it appears you get a sweet heart-shaped boo boo cover when you’re finished. You’ll be the envy of all the 3-yr-olds in your neighborhood.

Publix – launched their flu shot clinics on Sept. 15th. For $25you can get a shot, then stay to buy groceries. What a deal!

Costco – again with the buying groceries/getting your annual flu shot combo. It just screams a perfect day. Times vary so please contact their pharmacy or click the link.

You can also contact the Dept. of Health for any community programs available in your specific area. Stay well Birmingham!

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