Six weeks into the new year, what did we do this week?
For the first time that I’ve noticed – I recycled more than I threw away this week – a small but significant victory for my family!
My new thing this week was to find a way to use leftovers. We throw out too much food. I started looking around for recipes and ideas and just happened upon someone sharing their fried rice recipe. It was perfect! We eat rice about twice a week and never eat it all and always end up throwing far too much in the trash. And I love fried rice, it makes a great and easy lunch. So I tried the fried rice recipe but added chicken to make it a full meal. It was fabulous, even better as leftovers! It’s a great way to stop being wasteful while also making a really inexpensive meal. Next time, I’m going to make a large recipe and store it in the freezer in individual portions so I can use it as a last minute meal.
I’m completely addicted to the soaps from Bath and Body works, I went shopping over the weekend to replenish my stock and came across a new scent (flavor?) Black Rasberry Vanilla. It may not be new to Bath and Body Works but I’ve never noticed it, so it’s new to me.. and I love it!
For more New Things or if you’d like to participate in 52 new things along with BirminghamMommy and many others – please join in by posting your new thing to your blog, facebook or on twitter (use #52newthings) – Also, you can head over to to link up every Thursday!